Workshop: Parallelization in OpenFOAM for HPC Deployment

A short community workshop for parallel MPI communications in OpenFOAM - Take control of your learning journey with a self-paced, hands-on workshop!

%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%% flowchart LR subgraph one[First day] subgraph dum1[ ] A("03.04.2024 CET (4hrs) from 13:30") E[Lecture part
goes live on the website] F[Instructions for
environment setup] G[Open Q&A session] end end subgraph two[Second day] subgraph dum2[ ] B("05.04.2024 CET (5hrs from 13:30)") C[Lecture discussions] D[Hands-on sessions] end end Z((" ")) Y["Continuously discuss
lecture questions"] C -.- B D -.- B E -.- A F -.- A G -.- A A === Z Z ==> B Z -.- Y classDef Title fill:none,stroke:none; class dum1,dum2 Title classDef graphDate fill-opacity:0.15,color:#E1B028 classDef date fill-opacity:0.85,color:#FFFFFF,fill:#1d0e4e class one,two graphDate class A,B date
Get Started

Participants will be introduced to the different concepts of parallelization around OpenFOAM code, along with relevant examples for illustration. We'll also focus on hands-on exercises related to MPI communications to deepen and solidify the transferred knowledge.

  • The lecture part of the workshop (~2-hours) will be published online on the first day of the workshop.
  • An open Q&A session will also be hosted to discuss OpenMP and GPU programming.
  • On the second day, we'll hold a 5-hours hands-on session to go through exercises.
  • We'll organize a short session to discuss any questions about the published content if there is a need to.