Run tests on a SLURM cluster

Practice running parallel test jobs on a makeshift SLURM cluster which has OpenFOAM installed using Docker containers.

Now that you’re feeling more confident about reading/writing MPI-ready code in OpenFOAM; it’s time we put what you learned so far to work. In this activity, you’ll try to run your unit-tests from previous exercises in a SLURM cluster (which emulated real-world clusters, but is made up from Docker containers instead of physical machines for convenience).

Get a makeshift cluster running

First let’s start with the requirements (Avoid distribution repositories for these):

  1. Docker must be installed. Check script
  2. You also need a recent version of docker-compose

To make a decent test SLURM cluster, you need a machine with at least 4 CPUs. From there, it’s a matter of cloning my already configured repository and installing required software:

git clone
cd docker-openfoam-slurm-cluster
# Build containers for different cluster nodes - See the diagram bellow
# All nodes are based off centOS 7 with OpenFOAM v2206 installed
# This takes around 4GB of disk space and some time to complete
docker-compose build
# Fire up the cluster
docker-compose up -d

The previous commands will result in the creation of a SLURM cluster with the following architecture (We’re ignoring a container dedicated to host databases as it’s not as important for our purposes):

%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%% flowchart TD subgraph one[<b>SLURM Cluster</b>] A1("axc-compute-01") A2("axc-compute-02") A3("axc-compute-03") A4("axc-compute-04") H0[<b>headnode</b>] B0[["slurmctld"]] C0[["slurmd"]] subgraph dum1[ ] end end subgraph two[<b>Local machine / Host</b>] F(["dir: var/axc"]) subgraph dum2[ ] end end H0 === A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 B0 -.- H0 A1 & A2 & A3 & A4 -.- C0 F ==> |Maps to /axc on all machines| H0 classDef Title fill:none,stroke:none; class dum1,dum2 Title classDef graphDate fill-opacity:0.15,color:#E1B028 classDef date fill-opacity:0.85,color:#FFFFFF,fill:#1d0e4e class one,two graphDate class H0,A1,A2,A3,A4 date
  • You submit jobs on the head-node
  • The head-node controls job execution on the 4 compute notes
  • To avoid excessive file copying, var/axc (inside the docker-openfoam-slurm-cluster directory) on your local machine is mounted to /axc on all cluster nodes. All nodes get access to anything you put in there.
  • root is the default user for all operations inside the cluster.

It’s also good to do a pre-flight check to see if everything is working as expected (What’s important is being able to perform mpirun calls):

# Gain a root shell at the head-node
docker exec -it axc-headnode bash
# Source the OpenFOAM env. on the container
(axc-headnode) source /usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2206/etc/bashrc
# Try an MPI job on all 4 compute nodes.
# This should report 4 different IP addresses
# Note the --allow-run-as-root
# And note that mpirun does not need -np because it's built with SLURM support
(axc-headnode) salloc -N 4 mpirun --allow-run-as-root hostname -I

Compile your test driver and prepare your case

Now that we have verified that we can submit mpirun jobs to SLURM, we can attempt to compile the test driver (foamUT dependencies are already compiled and put at the right places in the nodes):

# On your host machine, clone foamUT to the shared directory:
git clone var/axc/foamUT
# Access a shell at the head node:
docker exec -it axc-headnode bash
# On the head node:
(axc-headnode) source /usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2206/etc/bashrc
(axc-headnode) cd /axc/foamUT
(axc-headnode) # Install cmake v3.x
(axc-headnode) wget
(axc-headnode) tar zxvf cmake-3.*
(axc-headnode) cd cmake-3.*
(axc-headnode) ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/local
(axc-headnode) make -j$(nproc)
(axc-headnode) make install
(axc-headnode) cd ..
(axc-headnode) export FOAM_FOAMUT=$PWD
(axc-headnode) sed -i 's_/lib_/lib64_g' tests/exampleTests/Make/options
(axc-headnode) ./Alltest
# Subsequent compilations:
(axc-headnode) cd tests/exampleTests && wmake

The resulting binary (/axc/foamUT/tests/exampleTests/testDriver) also stays inside this shared directory, so compiling on one of the CentOS containers is enough (since they are identical).

We’ll also be using the cavity case provided with foamUT (you can do this on the head node):

# Copy the case
(axc-headnode) cp -r /axc/foamUT/cases/cavity /axc/testCase
(axc-headnode) cd /axc/testCase
# Create the mesh and decompose it
(axc-headnode) blockMesh
(axc-headnode) decomposePar

Submit a SLURM job to run example tests on the prepared case

To submit a simulation job, we first need to understand how the test driver works:

testDriver [catch_options] --- [openfoam_options]

So, to perform a job on the testCase case which executes the parallel tests in parallel (This is handled normally by the Alltest script):

# --allow-run-as-root needed because mpirun will run as root
# and don't forget the -parallel flag
(axc-headnode) salloc -N 4 mpirun --allow-run-as-root \
    /axc/foamUT/tests/exampleTests/testDriver '[parallel]' \
    --- \
    -case /axc/testCase -parallel
Can we run Alltest on the SLURM cluster?

Sure we can, all we have to do is to replace mpirun -np "$nProcs" with salloc -N "$nProcs" mpirun:

# This compiles only on head node, but runs tests on nProcs compute nodes
sed -Ei 's/mpirun (.*) -np "\$nProcs"/salloc -N "\$nProcs" mpirun \1/g' Alltest

Whether the tests pass for us or not is not important as paying attention to the output:

Case   : /axc/testCase
nProcs : 4
Hosts  :
    (axc-compute-01 1)
    (axc-compute-02 1)
    (axc-compute-03 1)
    (axc-compute-04 1)

and making sure every compute node is participating with 1 CPU, which proves that our training cluster is working as expected.

# On your host machine
# Make the cluster go offline without removing containers
docker-compose stop
# Bring down the cluster (stop and remove containers)
docker-compose down

If you need it, here is a short cheatsheet for SLURM