Point-to-Point communications - general introdution

Introducing basic concepts around MPI point-to-point communication

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Welcome again to this section where we discuss some concepts concerning point-to-point communication in MPI protocols.

The first thing we need to take care of is: how can we identify the different processes which participate in any type of communication?

To this end, MPI defines two types of objects; the first one is called “a communicator”, which basically groups processes, and identifies the communications between its members. Think of it as a communication channel. Note that two processes can communicate through more than one communicator.

Traditionally, the default communicator is used in OpenFOAM, but the foundation version and Foam-Extend 5 have moved to a dedicated communicator, called MPI COMM FOAM. This has the effect of easing up coupling OpenFOAM with other MPI-based code as it allows for keeping internal OpenFOAM communications isolated from the communications on other software packages.

As we will see a bit later, the Pstream class provides most of the interface needed to interact with MPI in OpenFOAM. One of its most important methods is called nProcs, which returns the number of processes in the default communicator.

Each process in that communicator is identified by a rank, which is an integer value, starting usually at 0 for the root process. There is also a member method “my proc number” of the Pstream class which returns the rank of the calling process.

Now, because we’ll be sending data to different processes, which might be running on a different machine, we need a simple and coherent way to send our types as binary data and resurrect the objects on the other end. This process is called serialization and de-serialization, well, the fact that it might be done on different machines is actually irrelevant for us.

In the C++ world, this is still not so trivial to do actually; and we have two options:

  • First, we might provide implementations of stream operators to represent our types as standard streams. This is the chosen way for OpenFOAM code but know that newer languages now provide mature automatic serialization at, or very close to, language level.
  • The other option is to rely on third party libraries for a feeling of automatic serialization. Examples include, of course, a dedicated Boost library and as lighter alternative, a library called cereal which has been around for some time now.

All good, but how is it related to MPI communications? You see, in order to be cross-platform, MPI implementations define their own data types, it doesn’t send a raw integer but deals with an integer type only MPI libraries know about.

This immediately puts us at a disadvantage because it basically means we have to write MPI-compatible types for all of our classes. You can see how that can go out of hand very quickly.

And that’s where the serialization can help. We can simply represent as streams of data; either in text or binary form, and let MPI protocols send the stream contents around.

OpenFOAM provides two types of streams specifically for this. OPstream is output stream, that’s where you put your data to be sent, and IPstream is the input variant, which receives the data and you can then read it off of it.

The topic of serialization is kind of vast, we will be visiting it again towards the end of the workshop.

Going back to our F1 pit stops analogy, you can think of the operation of mounting the tyre by the worker on the car as a point-to-point communication, meaning, there are exactly two parties, one sending and one receiving. And this is very important, each send must be matched by a receive. We can’t have the worker mount the tyre somewhere else and call it a successful operation.

We can look at an example code snippet which shows how these Point-to-Point communications are carried out between OpenFOAM processes.

Note that the master process, here, engages in a point-to-point communication with each slave process. Receiving a list of values from each of the slave processes, and each slave processor in turn initiates a corresponding send.

Okay, now that we got the hang of it, there is one more important aspect we should discuss.

Should the worker check for correct placement of the tyre after mounting it? And, can more operations be carried out on the car while that check is in progress?

The following two modules discuss these questions. Welcome again to this section where we discuss some concepts concerning point-to-point communication in MPI protocols.

The first thing we need to take care of is: how can we identify the different processes which participate in any type of communication?

To this end, MPI defines two types of objects; the first one is called “a communicator”, which basically groups processes, and identifies the communications between its members. Think of it as a communication channel. Note that two processes can communicate through more than one communicator.

Traditionally, the default communicator is used in OpenFOAM, but the foundation version and Foam-Extend 5 have moved to a dedicated communicator, called MPI COMM FOAM. This has the effect of easing up coupling OpenFOAM with other MPI-based code as it allows for keeping internal OpenFOAM communications isolated from the communications on other software packages.

As we will see a bit later, the Pstream class provides most of the interface needed to interact with MPI in OpenFOAM. One of its most important methods is called nProcs, which returns the number of processes in the default communicator.

Each process in that communicator is identified by a rank, which is an integer value, starting usually at 0 for the root process. There is also a member method “my proc number” of the Pstream class which returns the rank of the calling process.

Now, because we’ll be sending data to different processes, which might be running on a different machine, we need a simple and coherent way to send our types as binary data and resurrect the objects on the other end. This process is called serialization and de-serialization, well, the fact that it might be done on different machines is actually irrelevant for us.

In the C++ world, this is still not so trivial to do actually; and we have two options:

  • First, we might provide implementations of stream operators to represent our types as standard streams. This is the chosen way for OpenFOAM code but know that newer languages now provide mature automatic serialization at, or very close to, language level.
  • The other option is to rely on third party libraries for a feeling of automatic serialization. Examples include, of course, a dedicated Boost library and as lighter alternative, a library called cereal which has been around for some time now.

All good, but how is it related to MPI communications? You see, in order to be cross-platform, MPI implementations define their own data types, it doesn’t send a raw integer but deals with an integer type only MPI libraries know about.

This immediately puts us at a disadvantage because it basically means we have to write MPI-compatible types for all of our classes. You can see how that can go out of hand very quickly.

And that’s where the serialization can help. We can simply represent as streams of data; either in text or binary form, and let MPI protocols send the stream contents around.

OpenFOAM provides two types of streams specifically for this. OPstream is output stream, that’s where you put your data to be sent, and IPstream is the input variant, which receives the data and you can then read it off of it.

The topic of serialization is kind of vast, we will be visiting it again towards the end of the workshop.

Going back to our F1 pit stops analogy, you can think of the operation of mounting the tyre by the worker on the car as a point-to-point communication, meaning, there are exactly two parties, one sending and one receiving. And this is very important, each send must be matched by a receive. We can’t have the worker mount the tyre somewhere else and call it a successful operation.

We can look at an example code snippet which shows how these Point-to-Point communications are carried out between OpenFOAM processes.

Note that the master process, here, engages in a point-to-point communication with each slave process. Receiving a list of values from each of the slave processes, and each slave processor in turn initiates a corresponding send.

Okay, now that we got the hang of it, there is one more important aspect we should discuss.

Should the worker check for correct placement of the tyre after mounting it? And, can more operations be carried out on the car while that check is in progress?

The following two modules discuss these questions.


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